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Why 2025 Could Be the Year of the Chromebook

Growth of chromebooks 2025

Key Takeaways 

Google truly was ahead of its time when it launched the Chromebook in 2011, introducing the world to a laptop powered by its very own ChromeOS, in partnership with Samsung and Acer. I remember I bought my first Chromebook from Samsung that very year, I have always been a Google fan so it was a must by product, and if you remember, around that time, the hype for tablets was really high, almost everyone wanted one, I had about 3 different android tablets AND an iPad. After a few years of use, I passed my Chromebook on to my mom, who absolutely loved it.

Fast forward to 2024, and Chromebooks are now commanding an estimated market share of between 10-15% and continuing to grow. With that said, let’s find out what the future holds in 2025 and beyond for your favorite alternative laptop.

Factors Driving Potential Chromebook Growth by 2025

First and foremost, nothing is more important right now to Chromebooks than their continued dominance in the education sector. Their low cost, ease of use, and robust security features make them an attractive option for cash-strapped school districts looking to provide each student with a PC. This was especially true when Covid-19 forced a lot of students to homeschooled meaning, they had to get some sort of device to do remote work and boom, hello Chromebooks.

Chromebooks have become a normal thing in classrooms these days, allowing teachers to seamlessly integrate technology into their curriculum through G Suite apps like Docs, Sheets, and Classroom. The ability to easily manage and update large numbers of Chromebooks centrally has been a game-changer for most schools. With their long battery life and portable design, Chromebooks give students a distraction-free(well, take this with a pinch of salt, kids will ALWAYS find a way around such things, a discussion for another day) environment for researching, writing, and collaborating on projects. Perhaps most importantly, Chromebooks have helped level the playing field by ensuring all students regardless of socioeconomic status have access the latest technology in order to succeed in a world where AI is basically going to be in our day to day live whether we like it or not.

Why do schools choose Chromebooks instead of regular Windows, iPads or MacOS?

Like I mentioned in the previous paragraph above, a long battery life, portal design and of course, low cost makes it easy for schools to choose Chromebooks instead of regular Windows laptops, iPads, or MacOS devices, I mean wouldn’t you? Imagine if you were the IT chief or head of the school whether that be the principal or head of the board for school, after looking at the cost which is usually the reason why people make the final decision(look at how the likes Temu, which offers generally cheaper products, are putting a dent in Amazon’s profits). Here are some other reasons why schools are sticking with the Chromebooks for the foreseeable future.

Data: Market Projections and Industry Analyst Predictions

Let’s now look at the data to back up what we have been saying. Are Chromebooks really going to make noise in 2025? Yes, like we mentioned, the major driving force for Chromebook’s continued growth is the education sector. Out of every 10 laptop computers sent to schools in the United States last year, 6 of them were Chromebooks, this is according to a study by Futuresource Consulting.

What does this graph mean? It means Chromebooks are here to stay and in 2025, when new Chromebooks will be shipped out because to those that were shipped around 2020/2025 will be replaced with newer Chromebooks, we will talk about that in a moment right below, hint; LG is winning. Of course you should also remember in 2023, Google did announce that all Chromebooks will get a 10 years of automatic updates and 5 years of support. Graph source; Maximize Market Research.

Which industries use Chromebooks?

Graph source; Cognitive Market Research — The pie charts are showing who is using Chromebooks, split into three categories: for corporate (business), education (schools), and others (everyone else) and as you can see, even though education is by far where Chromebooks reign supreme, by 2031 the other industries are also expected to grow.

Which Brands that make Chromebooks are benefiting?

According to Business Research Insights, below is the list of the top brands that are dominating the Chromebook industry, it should be noted that all these countries listed below have one thing in common, great internet penetration. Coincidence?

Which regions will see increased Chromebook sales?

Graph source; Cognitive Market Research — From the left to the right, each bar represents a year. North America has the highest sales, with dark blue always on the bottom because it has the most. The other colors stack on top, showing how their sales add to the total. By 2025 all the way through 2031, all regions, especially North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific, are expected to buy more Chromebooks.

Challenges Chromebooks Need to Overcome

Well it’s the same old story, the inability for Chromebooks to run some, keyword SOME apps offline and it’s limited software might slow down it’s growth but not by much, in my opinion, here is why.

While it is true, ChromeOS is mostly an online operating system that runs most of its core workings in the Cloud, the entire world is going to digital and each year, more and more people are getting online thus automatically increasing the potential for those who might not have wanted a Chromebook, to now get one. Let’s not forget the launch of Starlink internet by Elon Musk which is bringing affordable high speed internet via Satellite across the globe might be a game changer faster than we can imagine.

The introduction of Android apps able to run on Chromebooks is nothing less than amazing news and now Microsoft Office can basically be ran online with the same features including access to their Copilot Pro, all online. This is why I think the future of Chromebooks is on a positive outlook, more and more software companies are running to the cloud, and guess who is at the gate already? We, the ChromeOS users.


Coming Soon
Which ChromeOS feature do you think is most beneficial for students

Other resources & websites to continue reading about the future of Chromebooks

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