Enable Crosh Shell Terminal on a Chromebook or Chromebox.
Hello everyone, how are you all doing on this lovely weekend? I am doing just fine, I plan to be releasing more blog posts right here on ChromeGeek.com so make sure to bookmark us if you haven’t already.
Chrome OS includes the Chrome Shell, or “crosh“, which documents minimal functionality such as ping and SSH at crosh start-up.
Since Chrome OS is based on the Linux core, the latest Chromebook and Chromebox came fully equipped with the ability to explore the entire Linux filesystem.
In developer mode, a full-featured Bash shell can be opened via VT-2, and is also accessible using the crosh command shell. To access full privileges in shell (e.g. sudo) the root password is required; it is “chronos” in Chrome OS and “facepunch” in Chrome OS Vanilla.
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