Hello everyone, how are you all doing today? I hope you are all having a great week so far. My week has been just fine other than my foot injury. But I think I will be fine in a couple of weeks. I have a pretty deep wound near my right pinky toe, deep enough that I have damaged nerves, smh, I won’t get into too much detail on what happened until I feel a bit better, right now it’s hurting like a mother f####, lol anyway please read on…
Today I will highlight another awesome app that is a must download for anyone who wants to change the way their Google Chrome browser looks and feels like. I present to you the classic gray theme for chrome. It’s 100% free and it looks really fresh & easy on the eyes. Take a look below and be the judge for yourself. Don’t worry, the download size for this theme and most themes for Chrome is reasonably small.
Classic Gray Theme Screenshot
Download Classic Gray Chrome Theme
Install Gray Theme For Chrome
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Other Chrome themes you might like: Naruto Shippuden Theme for Chrome, Into The Mist Theme for Chrome, Wolf & The Ice Planet Theme for Chrome, Night Time In New York City Theme for Chrome, and Star Wars: The Last Jedi Theme for Chrome.