Download Data Saver For Chrome
Install Data Saver Extension on Chrome so that you can browse much faster and use less bandwidth. If you are on a budget, this app is for you.
Install Data Saver Extension on Chrome so that you can browse much faster and use less bandwidth. If you are on a budget, this app is for you.
Easily listen to music with Chromecast by using Google Play to stream it from your computer, tablet or phone.
Easily unlock your Chromebook with your Android Phone via Smart Lock.
Crosh Shell is equivalent to Windows Command Prompt or the Linux Terminal and honestly, it is just as powerful.
Google Chrome shortcuts for Windows that will help you get work done faster, they work with Windows 10, Windows 7 and even Windows 8.
How you can print using a Chromebook, a step by step guide that will have you printing your files in minutes.